Thursday, January 26, 2012

Does Jesus "hate" religion?

Anyone still following this blog?

It's been a long time since I've posted here, not because I've given up on this important topic, but because I'm investigating some more significant ways to convey this vital message. Nothing is in place yet, but this recent video has prompted me to jump in here for a moment.

In the past month a new video has gone viral (largely because of social media) highlighting the irreligious message of Jesus. Close to 17 million people have viewed it so far, and the response has been mixed. The popularity of "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus" indicates this idea resonates with a large number of people who are increasingly frustrated with organized religion. I have also read many critiques of the video, especially by Christians who either don't see religion as being a problem, or by those who see the message as too harsh.

A few observations. First, the word "religion" often boils down to semantics. There are many views of what it means, and not everyone sees it as negative. Certainly, there are aspects of religion throughout history that have been very positive despite its abuses and excesses. And, as a product of culture, religion is a natural human response which provides meaning and comfort for many. Consequently, anytime we present Jesus bringing the end to religion, we are forced to define our terms and express the radical nature of Jesus' message.

Second, the word "hate" is strong language. While I fully believe that Jesus inaugurated a new approach to relating to God and life apart from and beyond religion, I see no value in condemning those who are living within the parameters of religion. Jesus certainly saw the end of it and attacked those who used it to oppress others, but we can also see where he met people within it as a starting point in their spiritual journey.

Third, my biggest disappointment with the video is that it doesn't fully deliver on presenting the good news of Jesus, but simply regurgitates a simplistic gospel that is focused on individualistic spirituality far removed from the broader Kingdom vision that Jesus was presenting. In other words, we are left with religion deconstructed, but without offering the complete alternative.

If you haven't seen the video, watch it for yourself. And, please provide your feedback.

Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word


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